Dressing for Disneyland in the 1950s
 Here are good examples of how to dress for Disneyland.
Be sure to dress appropriately when you visit Disneyland—at least if youre visiting Disneyland in the 1950s.
There isnt a rigid dress code, but there is a certain way that park guests tend to dress.
Ladies, you should wear a patterned dress with the hem well below your knees.
Or you may prefer to wear a skirt and blouse.
Gentlemen, you should wear pressed trousers, a collared shirt, leather shoes, and perhaps a nice sweater on cooler days.
Youngsters, you can dress like... celebrities.
 The well-dressed Lennon Sisters posing in front of City Hall.
The Lennon Sisters, “Americas Sweethearts of Song,” are big celebrities, but they graciously pose for guests snapshots in their lovely outfits.
 The Lennon Sisters are facing someone elses camera.
 The people waiting near City Hall are all quite attractively dressed.
As you look at these pictures from the 1950s, please notice the people in the background as well as those posing in the foreground.
 Hats are always appropriate at Disneyland.
What about wearing a tee-shirt?
A tee-shirt is another word for a mans undershirt, and wearing an undershirt under your shirt is quite common.
 Do you need a hat? Disneyland sells them.
 Dont forget your sunglasses.
Now lets fast-forward 50 years to the present decade.
The picture below wasnt meant to be a fashion photo.
It was just a photo of the Peter Pan ride at Disneyland, but I think it shows fairly typical Disneyland attire of this decade.
 Its a half century later (2006 photo), and the styles are different.
These days at Disneyland, youre likely to see tee-shirts, tank tops, jeans, gym shorts, cut-offs, dirty sneakers, and flip-flops.
Needless-to-say, the change in how people dress today compared to fifty years ago is not unique to Disneyland.
There was a time when gentlemen on airplanes typically wore a coat and tie.
Gym clothes were only for the gym.
And people dressed for dinner.
It makes sense to dress comfortably—tee-shirt, shorts, sneakers—for a day at a Disney park, as most of us do today.
But weve also lost something along the way.
© 2007-2012 Werner Weiss — Disclaimers, Copyright, and Trademarks
Last updated July 20, 2012.
Seven photos of people (including The Lennon Sisters) at Disneyland during the 1950s: Charles R. Lympany and Frank T. Taylor, courtesy of Chris Taylor.
Photo of people entering the Peter Pan ride: 2006 by Werner Weiss.