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Frontierland Directions, 1974
Still More Yester Memories
Thanks for all the great Yester Memories,
More Yester Memories,
and Even More Yester Memories.
Heres the page for 1998.
Several memories have been edited to reduce length.
If you had an experience that can no longer be repeated
because the ride, show, restaurant, or other Disneyland feature is now gone,
and you want to share it on this page, send it to me with the subject
of "Memory."
Curator of Yesterland
Of all the great memories I have read on the Yesterland site (including
those of the Carnation Ice Cream Parlor and the Skyway), no one has posted
one about the wonderful little breakfast restaurant near the entrance of
Main Street on the right hand side as one faces Sleeping Beautys Castle
(the space is now occupied by retail).
In this great little restaurant, you could sit indoors or outdoors facing
the Disneyland Railroad Station, and the omelet chef would prepare the
most delicious and fluffy creations behind a glass partition in view of
patrons waiting for a table. For a modest price ($6.95 I believe), you
would get a two-egg omelet with a variety of toppings, potatoes, two
fresh-baked mini muffins of choice and a glass of fresh juice or milk. The
food was wonderful and it was one of the few table-service restaurants in
all of the park.
One of the attractions of the restaurant (does anyone remember its name?)
was that if you timed it just right, you could get a seat outside and be
waited upon while watching one of the parades down Main Street. Since it
was open until about 8 p.m., and served its breakfast menu all day, we often
found ourselves eating both breakfast and "late breakfast" there, catching
the Main Street Electrical Parade right from our table.
In addition, there was a space just the other side of this restaurant that
showcased future plans for Disneyland attractions, featuring scale models,
architectural renderings and the like. After eating our morning meal, we
would always take a walk through this little display to see what was in the
future of the park.
The last time I remember visiting the park and eating at this restaurant
(we go at least once and up to three times per year) was in mid 1988. After
that, it was simply closed, despite the fact that it was always busy and
always had a line for a table.
- James P. Reza, October 24, 1998
(jpreza @ lvcm.com)
When we took our two kids to Disneyland to see one of the last Main Street
Electrical Parades in October 1996 we invited my father-in-law to meet us
there on Saturday. He almost didnt make it because he was in the traffic jam
that became the largest capacity crowd to attend Disneyland. It was the first
time in Disneyland history they had to close the gates to anymore guests.
That was at 5pm. He went with us the next day. When we asked him if he
wanted to go on the Submarine Voyage he got excited and told us a very
interesting story as we walked towards it. He told us that when he was 17
growing up in Bakersfield, he was a part of a work crew of young adults who
actually helped build, paint, and install that very attraction. He remembered
painstakingly painting the backgrounds and plants, and gluing down the various
sealife and other props. He said that Disneyland put them up at a barracks by
the Disneyland Hotel site for almost the whole summer. It was his first time
away from home and he loved the experience. He also remembered the live
mermaids. I have known my father-in-law for over 30 years and I never knew
about it until then. It was also the first time my husband heard that story
and we were amazed and proud that "Dad Pierre" had a part in the building of
Disneyland. I remember going myself on the ride for that first time in 1964
and thinking that the whole thing was real. Listening to the captain counting
off the "fathoms (or leagues?)." Watching the "real fish" with fascination.
When I got older it looked so fake but still fun.
- Sari Pierre, October 24, 1998
(Pierrems @ aol.com)
I grew up in Southern California and though my parents claim I was
wheeled in my stroller through Disneyland the opening summer, I
dont remember any of it. My first concrete memories begin when
I was about four or five years old when for many years afterward
the "Pack Mules Through Natures Wonderland" was my favorite ride.
I had a passion for horses (and a mule was the next best thing) and
enjoyed the slow, quiet, and serene meander through the Western
landscape. The mule ride was a chance to relax, let someone else
do the walking, and gather your thoughts before the next big decision
about where to go and what to ride next. I was always tall and tried
to stand even taller so that I might be lucky enough to be told to
ride the last mule in the "train." Im not sure why the tallest person
in line got to ride at the end of the group but it always made me feel
like I was helping the guide on the lead mule I would take care of
any problems the riders at the back of the train might encounter
along the trail!"
- Kari Johnson, October 23, 1998
(KEJohnson @ getty.edu)
My first visit to Disneyland was only eight years ago, in 1991. One of my
most wonderful memories about it is riding the Skyway to Tomorrowland;
it was magical for me to see the views from up there and going through
the Matterhorn. The other attraction that was very nice was the People
Mover; it helped us relax from that crowded New Years Eve when we even
had the chance to see Michael Jackson visiting the park!! Ive been visiting
the park once a year since then but Ill never forget about that first time!
- Vinicio Mckay, Guatemala, Central America,
October 14, 1998
(mckay @ infovia.com.gt)
As a child we went to Disneyland every summer. On each annual visit we
would spend one afternoon at Disneys miniature golf course located at the
Disneyland Hotel. Each hole of the course was based on a different
attraction from the park. It has been gone for quite a long time, but I
still remember some of them. One was based on the Storybook cruise and
you had to shoot the ball through Monstros mouth and out his tale.
Another was shooting through a moving drawbridge of Sleeping Beautys
castle. There was also a hole based on Alice in Wonderland where you
banked your shot off several of the "playing card people." The last one
I remember was the Matterhorn mystery hole in which you shot into a hole
in front an the ball might come out one of several exits, one
positioning you near the hole. We really had a lot of fun playing on
this course, but as I recall we usually played it on the last day of our
stay knowing we would soon have to get in the car for the 6-hour drive
- Jeff Watson, October 9, 1998
(batterie @ vegas.infi.net)
I just went to Disneyland four weeks ago, just after Disney made the
announcement that they would be discontinuing the "Submarine Voyage."
Although the wait was over an hour and a half, the last memories on
the ride were coming back to me. I will miss the "Submarine Voyage,"
but I know that it will be put in Yesterland history.
- Mike OConnor, October 3, 1998
(nyjetsguy @ yahoo.com)
What, no more submarine ride? Thank heavens we took our four kids, ages 6 and
under, out to California this past May (I grew up in Orange, even was Casual
Seasonal at Dland a few years in early 80s) and spent 2 days "visiting
Mickey." One of the high points for our kids was the Submarine Ride our one
autistic son really responded to the ride, labeling all the "robot fish" he
saw, but getting wide-eyed at the "real mermaid!" he saw towards the end of
the ride. He was more animated and responsive to the submarine ride than any
of the more crowded Fantasyland rides or the noisy, awful, nightmarish
I miss the old rides of my childhood (we are talking early and mid-1960s
here, folks) and wish my kids could have gone on the old Mine Train ride
(sure, Thunder Mountain is cool, but not the same!) and Adventures Thru
Inner Space and esp. Carousel of Progress, which they should have just run
backwards as a time travel ride into American Past, as the old stuff the
audio-animatronic characters interacted with was more interesting (to me) than
the futuristic stuff.
And now the Submarines are gone. Is there going to be anything of charm left
at Disney, or must it all become fast-paced, high profit thrill a minute
stuff? Well, next time we fly out from Illinois maybe we will go see how the
Ghost town and old mine train ride, etc, have been "modernized" and ruined
over in Buena Park.
- Jody Fisher, September 26, 1998
(Fishstep @ aol.com)
Seeing pictures of the ride tickets really hit hard; I
can remember stacks of them bundled with paper clips in the dining room
china cabinet.
My favorite attraction to this day still has to be the Carousel of
Progress. When I was little, I was just crazy for anything miniature and
I always loved to peer at the tiny city behind the glass.
- Patrick ONeal, September 18, 1998
(patoneal @ gte.net)
Although Fantasmic is well loved by many Disneyland guests, I miss the summer
time evening ambiance of New Orleans Square. I loved to watch the River Boat, all
lit up, going down the rivers of America. It was so beautiful and
romantic! The 3rd deck of the Mark Twain Riverboat was a very exciting place
to watch the fireworks as well!
- Cattajan, September 15, 1998
(Cattajan @ aol.com)
I just love your site.
But I wanted to write to you about one
of my experiences at Disneyland.
It was about the time when Disneyland
offered the unlimited ride passes for their Magic Kingdom cardholders.
I must have been around 7-9 years old, but I distinctly remembered the
incredible jubilation that I felt when my father told me that my sister
and I did not need any tickets. That all we had to do is show them this
pass that hung around our necks (like press card passes) and we can get
on the ride.
Man, I thought I was in heaven. The
thought that I was now able to ride any ride at Disneyland without any
tickets (coupons) was an absolute joy. But back then, the lines were
not as long as they are now.
Now that Im a bit older, the annual
passports make Disneyland a bit more bearable.
- James Wong, September 4, 1998
(wong @ staminet.com)
My mother attempted to take us to Disneyland on the fabled Opening Day
fiasco in 1955. We got caught in the huge traffic jam and never made it to
the park. I was only about 2 1/2 years old. But we visited a few weeks
later and continued making regular visits through the 50s, 60s, and 70s.
I was saddened to see that the Carnation Ice Cream Parlor and Casa de
Fritos no longer exist. Our Disneyland rituals always called for arriving
at the park before the Main Street barricades were lifted. We would eat
breakfast at Carnation (Belgian waffles usually) and then, with a good
breakfast in our stomachs, be ready to rush into the park when the
barricades were removed. Casa de Fritos was usually the lunch stop after
riding the Mine Train, Pack Mules, or Stagecoach. It was always special to
spend my own nickel and have the Frito Kid and his miner friend send a bag
of Fritos down the chute of the mine shaft. Somehow, I really thought there
was someone down in the mine digging up Fritos.
The Stagecoach was one of my favorite rides, mainly because westerns were
so popular on TV during the 50s and every boy my age wanted to be a cowboy.
I would always sit on top of the stage with the driver or the shotgun
rider, and it never occurred to me that seatbelts were not part of the old
But my fondest memory was a visit somewhere around 1957, I think. At the
time, Monstro the Whale which opened into the fairy tale village was
under construction (my father still has the photos of it). As we approached
Fantasyland, who should be there drawing cartoons for guests but Roy
Williams of the Mickey Mouse Club wearing his "Roy" shirt and Mouseketeer
ears. Roy drew a charcoal cartoon sketch of Donald Duck for me and
autographed it. (We have photos of him doing that too). I now have that
cartoon framed and hanging on my wall.
Disneyland and WDW have both come a long way since then. The rides are
spectacular and the "magic" has gotten better and more complex. However, I
will always remember how much more intimate the old Disneyland seemed to
me. You could sit next to and talk to the Stagecoach driver or have an
Indian at the Indian Village teach you a ceremonial dance. And if you were
lucky, you could run into one of the Mouseketeers, like I did, and theyd
give you a lasting memento.
Keep up the great work and thanks for creating Yesterland.
- Jon Chavez, August 11, 1998
(jwgonzo @ accesstoledo.com)
I remember when Captain EO first came out, and no matter how macho or
restrained a person considered him/herself to be, everyone reached out to
try to touch that cute little critter that "flew out" into the audience!
Finally, I too dearly miss the Skyway. There is nothing more relaxing than
drifting and gently swaying over the park, people watching and seeing the
magic from a whole new perspective.
- Tiffany Dierdorff, July 25, 1998
(doll @ amnet.net)
My husbands favorite attraction as a child was "America Sings." My mother-in-law
still talks about how he went to that show over and over during their
trips there. She said he was very disappointed when they closed it. Imagine
his (and my) surprise when we first went on Splash Mountain in the eighties
and saw the animals from his beloved show.
- Sari Pierre, July 19, 1998
(Pierrems @ aol.com)
The Monsanto house was not cut up with hacksaws.
A trade magazine called Modern Plastics (McGraw-Hill) did a story about
the house as it was so strong they two large bulldozers hook a "chock"
chain around the structure to break it apart.
I do not have the issue but I remember it had a photo showing the
Thanks for the great site.
- Charles Brink, July 13, 1998
(acton @ wgn.net)
One of the unique aspects of Disneyland is that as the years go by, its meaning changes for each of us. I can remember the giddy anticipation I would have as a youngster when the day drew nigh to visit the park. As I approached my teen years, it started to have a different allure...
I kissed a girl for the first time while riding on Adventure Thru Inner Space. The privacy, the dark, and the pulsating orbs all proved extra conducive to the young libido. You can imagine my chagrin when the ride moved to Yesterland in 1986.
Fortunately, the Disney Gallery opened in 1987. One of their initial offerings were ride lithographs including, you guessed it, "Adventure Thru Inner Space". For a mere $300, I was able to take home a bit of Disneyland and my history. I am happy to say a bit of Yesterland still hangs in my home.
- David Jerrard Givens, July 11, 1998
(jerrard @ netsol.net)
I enjoy your sight very much, and thanks for the memories. The picture of the
abandoned skyway house always brings back nice memories. The little
restaurant at the base has always been my favorite place at night towards
closing to sit and relax and gather my thoughts about the day. This may sound
funny but the picture you show reminds me of a lonesome pet in the pound
begging to be taken and loved by someone. Thanks again, and keep up the good
- Tony A. Miner, May 21, 1998
(TMiner4226 @ aol.com)
As a youngster, I remember a number of mechanical (maybe electric?)
music players in the Penny Arcade on Main street in Disneyland. Some
had drums, xylophones and all sorts of music makers, etc., but the one
that fascinated me the most was what seemed, to me at least, to be a
large glass fronted music box with a 3-foot diameter silver-colored
wheel that produced the music. It was such a wonderful and captivating
thing that it seemed like I spent hours putting nickels into it. Upon my
return a few years later I couldnt find it anymore. Every few years I
take a look inside to see if theyve brought it out again but I have been
disappointed. However , it is easy to find modern electronic games
which to my mind will never have the "class" that that giant music box
did. Thank goodness for memories.
- Ferrell Peterson, April 27, 1998
(fpeter52 @ juno.com)
OK, show of hands. How many of you would get on the Skyway between
Tomorrowland and Fantasyland and, when over a large crowd of people,
would yell first names ("Larry!!" "Steve!!" "Susie!!"), just to see
how many people looked up?
- Joe Ekaitis, March 2, 1998
(joeekaitis @ aol.com)
A lot has been said about the rides and attractions inside of Disneyland that
have been torn down or discontinued, but I would like to talk about the
Disney owned campground: Vacationland. My family and I planned a wonderful
"dream trip" to California in July of 1991 and our main purpose was to take
our two young children to Disneyland. We love to camp whenever we travel,
but we also like to have pools and playgrounds whenever we camp. Therefore,
in my search for a nice campground close to Disneyland, I discovered
Disneys Vacationland. The name of the campground should tell you a little
of what to expect. The campground was truly a vacationland it was
wonderful! Not only did it have a wonderfully large pool with a baby wading
pool, it also had two game lounges. One for the kids with Disney movies on
a big screen TV playing all the time and video games. Another for the adults
with card tables and a pool table. But what made these lounges so nice,
besides the air conditioning during Californias summers, were the large
wall-length windows facing the playground and pool area. Not only could you enjoy
being cool inside, you could watch the kids play! Now that is comfort. The
playground was so nice with soft-landing pads to cushion tiny tots when they
fell or plopped off the playground equipment. The best part of the
playground was when Disney characters, such as Chip and Dale, came to "play"
with the children! This was a special treat that my kids loved and almost
had us miss time inside Disneyland to be able to "play" with Chip and Dale.
The other nice thing about this campground was, it was located across the
street from The Disneyland Hotel and all guest of the campground could use
ALL facilities of the hotel. We went to see the laser-water light show that
was shown at the hotel grounds with no charge. Also, we could catch the
Monorail to ride into Disneyland no parking fee for us. So when I read
that that this campground was torn down to make room for a high-price resort
hotel for Disneyland, I was truly sad. This campground gave middle income
people a wonderful place to stay with all the comforts of home and a lot of
Disney Magic included. This campground will be missed by many, I am sure!
- Mona Kirkland, February 28, 1998
(don_kirkland @ email.msn.com)
Wonderful site! But do you remember when there were live
"mermaids" swimming in the submarine lagoon? Most of the time
they sat on the rocks and combed their hair, but occasionally
they took brief dips. How I dreamed of being a mermaid! And
one of my neighbors actually went and auditioned. Alas she
did not get in and soon all the mermaids were gone. Does
Tinker Bell still fly from the top of the Matterhorn as the
fireworks go off? (I was far too chicken to even dream of
that job!)
- D. Dorsett, February 18, 1998
(ddorsett @ fullerton.edu)
© 2007 Werner Weiss — Disclaimers, Copyright, and Trademarks
Updated September 26, 2006.
Photograph of the Frontierland Direction Sign: 1974 by Werner Weiss